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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @tlingithaida wit…

#REPOST @tlingithaida with @get__repost__app Beautiful welcome from Xunaa Káawu full of ixsixán! Looks like they prepared an incredible spread of food for the paddlers. #Tlingit #Haida #CanoeJourney #JourneyToCelebration


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @ndncollective wi…

#REPOST @ndncollective with @get__repost__app We’re LIVE in Mni Luzahan (so-called Rapid City, South Dakota) as we join local organizations, partners, allies, and long time advocates for the caravan and Freedom rally for Leonard Peltier. 🎥You can watch our live as we head to the federal courthouse here: ndnco.cc/lplivecaravan We are in the 30 day window where the Parole Board can reach a decision to release our relative. We are deeply grateful to everyone that has joined us in the fight to free our relative by sending letters to the U.S. Parole Commission, organizing prayer vigils, and sharing artwork, all to keep the momentum powerful.… Mais


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @soni_artist with @…

#REPOST @soni_artist with @get__repost__app I heard your cries deep in my heart but still I chose to neglect you for so long. Today I learn ways to heal you, my precious inner child. I’ve come back to you and I will protect you from now on.

Canvas prints and stickers available, link in bio.
#innerchild #healing #growth #indigenousartist


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @abcindigenous with…

#REPOST @abcindigenous with @get__repost__app Yuin woman Jane Duren refused to give up on better access to education. Now, Brierley’s Boat Ramp on the NSW south coast has been upgraded to acknowledge Jane’s work.

✍️ ABC South East NSW | James Tugwell and Bernadette Clarke

🔗 Follow the link in our bio to read the full article

#ABCIndigenous #Aboriginal #FirstNations #Indigenous #Yuin #repostandroid #repostw10


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @gunareymaku with…

#REPOST @gunareymaku with @get__repost__app El traje tradicional es muy importante para los miembros de la tribu no hay diferencia en estatus tener una de esta significa tener un gran valor espiritual Duni iku muka



Ritual Ayahuasca | Casa Xamânica Participação: Banda Vibra Luz Ayahuasca Rap…

Ritual Ayahuasca | Casa Xamânica
Participação: Banda Vibra Luz ✨

🍃 Ayahuasca
🌳 Rapé
👁️ Sananga
💨 Defumação
🔥 Fogueira
🥪 Alimentação Inclusa

📅 SÁBADO – 03/08/2024
⏰ INÍCIO – 17:00h

15h – Abertura da Casa
17h – Início do Ritual
22h – Término do Ritual/Alimentação

📍 LOCAL: Casa Xamânica 🛖
Avenida Comendador Adibo Ares, 1395 / Morumbi – SP

⭐ VAGAS LIMITADAS PARA APENAS 30 PESSOAS: Confirmação da vaga mediante pagamento e entrega da Ficha de Anamnese

📲 Informações e reservas: (11) 98483-7287 Lucas


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @wayfinderscircl…

#REPOST @wayfinderscircle with @get__repost__app The Achuar People living in the rainforests of Ecuadorian Amazon are stewards of land that holds some of the richest biodiversity in the world. They have a robust governance structure that has allowed them to keep oil extraction and logging out of their territory for 60 years. In face of manifold challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon, the Achuar have shown a strong capacity for managing their territory. They are members of the Wayfinders Circle, a global network of Indigenous guardians who protect their lands, waters, and territories and are dedicated to sharing the transformative potential of Indigenous lifeways. 🤲🏾 Follow us and learn more about the Wayfinders Circle. 👉🏾 Listen to the Seedcast Podcast’s episode featuring the Achuar People. Link in bio. Seedcast Podcast (@niatero_seedcast) is produced by Nia Tero. Host and Lead Producer: Jessica Ramirez. Story editor: Jenny Asarnow.


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @pseesequasis with …

#REPOST @pseesequasis with @get__repost__app Tlicho Elder Alexis Arrowmaker in a jacket made for him by Francis Richardson. Photographed in Behchokǫ̀, NWT in 1975. In 1991, the Tlicho Land Claim negotiating team chose Arrowmaker as their special advisor. #IndigenousHistoryMonth

📷 R.J. Richardson | NWT Archives


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @iprightsintl with …

#REPOST @iprightsintl with @get__repost__app 🚨 #PueblosIndígenas enfrentan crisis humanitaria en #Colombia 🚨

En septiembre de 2022, confrontaciones en Antioquia confinaron a más de 2,000 indígenas Emberá Katio. 📅 Entre enero y noviembre de 2022, 12,564 indígenas, incluyendo 6,630 niños, fueron afectados. 😔

El retorno a sus tierras no garantiza la recuperación de la vida comunitaria ni los proyectos basados en sus tradiciones ancestrales. 🌿

🔗 Así lo han documentado nuestros socios, Camino de los Ancestros: http://tinyurl.com/CriminalizacionCOL #repostandroid #repostw10


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#OrganizarAutodefesaIndígena #DemarcaçãoEAutonomiaJá #REPOST @than.pataxo with…

#REPOST @than.pataxo with @get__repost__app Iõp taputary mukari 🏹
Muká Mukaú>》《<
. #povosindigenas #cameraindigena #canonr5 #canonbrasil #midiaborum #midiaborum_official #midiapataxo #tvpataxo #mídiaindígena #apib #thanvideografia #thanpataxo #thancineasta #thanfotografia
