Hope is often so much quieter than our fear you have to really listen closely…

Hope is often
so much quieter
than our fear

you have to really listen
closely to hear the voice of hope

hope is the whisper
between screams

hope is the nearly inaudible
sound of your tears drying
on the rose of your cheek

hope is the hushed wind passing
through a tall Wyoming pine

hope is the noise of you
softly exhaling while
looking for the Divine
in the mirror

hope is the sound of stars winking
at us from across the cosmos

~hope is the babbling river
~hope is the snoring baby
~hope is the thumping heartbeat

hope is the lightly
beeping hospital monitor

hope is the sound
of butterfly wings
moving in the spring

hope is the noise ice
makes as it melts on a lake

hope is the gentle scratching of
a flower as it claws its way
out of the earth to sunbathe

hope is never loud
hope is never fussy
hope is never announced

in fact, you might miss hope’s
arrival if you’re not listening for it

hope is more gentle piano
than it is blaring saxophone

hope is humble
hope is stealthy

hope doesn’t
wear a name tag

hope is so often so silent

but that what
makes hope so

because it can
surprise us at a moments notice

hope is always present

it’s the beat between musics notes
it’s the lips smack before the kiss
it’s the deep breath before the eulogy

hope is the quiet voice of Love
that is endlessly begging us to
not surrender to the crawling shadows

and the voice is always
saying the same thing:

“Hold on, my love, hold on, my love.”

if you give it a moment of silence
you will find that hope is a real
chatter box

it won’t stop talking to you
if you let it get started

hope is everywhere
even in places where
you won’t expect to find it

~it’s in your rushing blood
~it’s in your unfolding wrinkles
~it’s in your hushed grief

hope is relentless
amid the noise of
this clanging world

just listen

I swear,
my love,

if you just listen
to the whispering hope
that surrounds you

I swear

you’ll never give up again ..

Poet John Roedel ✨

Artist Credit : Dawn Vander Stoep
